Child Care Action Plan

This plan offers steps to guide the community in creating a vibrant and accessible child care landscape to meet the diverse needs of our community.

These are some of the main findings:

  • Golden and Area A lacks 121 child care spaces for children from birth to 36 months;
  • A lack of qualified Early Childhood Educators poses the most significant challenge to opening spaces;
  • Families appreciate and need a variety of child care settings and diverse offerings (child care & home-based centres, flexible schedules, etc.).

Summary of the child care action plan’s recommendations:

  • Quality Community-Wide Child Care
  • Shared Intake and Waitlist Platform
  • Local ECE Recruitment and Retention – Sector Development Plan
  • Early Childhood Education Learning Hub
  • Shared Early Childhood Educator Sub-Pool
  • Spaces Offering Flexible and Non-Traditional Hours
  • French and Bilingual Child Care Spaces
  • Culturally Enriching Indigenous Child Care Spaces

To read the complete report:

Looking for child care in Golden?
